

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import domCssom from '';



Set your CSS with javscript.


npm install --save dom-cssom

A simple example

The html

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title> test</title>
    <div class="test">Hello world</div>
    <div><p class="test2">Hello world</p></div>

    <script src="code.js"></script>

The javascript in the code.js file.

var domCSSOM = require('dom-cssom');

var cssom = domCSSOM();

cssom.add('.test', {
    border: '1px solid black',
    color: 'green'
}).add('div .test2', {
    'background-color': 'red'
}).media('(max-width: 1000px)', function(css){

    cssom.add('.test', {
        'background-color': 'blue'

You would probably have to use browserify, or some other javascript compiler to get the above script to work.


domCSSOM(selector, attributes) -> cssom

This constructor creates a style tag, appends it to the document head, and produces an object you can use to manipulate the styles belonging to that style tag.

The selector argument is optional. selector is a normal css selector.

The attributes argument is optional.

Set attributes to the style tag created by this constructor by passing an object to the attributes argument.


cssom.add(selector, styles) -> this

selector is a normal css selector.

styles is an object with style names, and values.

The style names should be the hyphenated kind like you would use in a style sheet., listener) -> this

Pass a media query string to the query argument.

listener is required, and should be a function.

You place code to run in the listener when the media query passes.

The media method works identically to an @media in a CSS file.'(max-width: 1000px)', function(css){
    //This code runs when the browser is less than 1000 pixels wide.
    cssom.add('.test', {
        'background-color': 'blue'

The domCSSOM instance tracks recent styles set inside it's listener. When the media changes to an unmatched state tracked styles are removed.

Listeners are not automatically removed (except in the destroy method) so make sure to remove them when you don't need them any more.

Doing anything asynchronous inside a media listener has the potential to mess up the media query functionality. Just be aware of this in case styles aren't getting added, or removed correctly. The reason for this leaky functionality is the tracking of styles set through the listener relies on the cssRules numbered keys.

cssom.mediaRemove(query, listener) -> this

Remove a media listener set with the media method.

Works pretty much the same as regular event listeners.

You probably won't have to remove media listeners often as their removal defeats their purpose.

cssom.find(criteria) -> rules

Find all the rules applied to a selector.

See the section about Rules below.

criteria can be one of these:

  • string
  • regular expression
  • array

If criteria is a string is must equal the selector exactly.

If criteria is an array it must have a length of 2, and be a zero based range. This range corresponds to the style element's cssRules object. This works similar to Array.slice.

For example:

var style = document.querySelector('style'),
    //rangeArray is what you might pass to the find method.
    rangeArray = [2, 4];

for(var i=2; i<4; i++){
    //Print the css rule for the style.

find can also be used like Array.slice with a start index, and an end index as the second argument. The slice like functionality is not exact. find doesn't except negative numbers. If the second number is greater than the length of the cssRules the length of the cssRules is used instead.

cssom.remove(criteria) -> rules;

Removes some styles based on criteria.

criteria is the same as used with the find method.

The returned rules are the same as returned from the find method.

cssom.removeAll() -> this

This is the same as the remove method, but removes all styles.

cssom.destroy() -> undefined

The nuclear option. Removes all media listeners, and removes the style tag created during instantiation.

The instance of dom-cssom is unusable after a call to destroy.


An array of rules is returned from the find method. Each of these rules has these properties:

  • index (The index in the cssRules of the style sheet.)
  • selector (The selector string for the rule.)
  • style (Pretty much the same as a style object on a DOM node.)

You can set styles with a style object that belongs to a rule as well just like the style object found on a DOM node.

The rules returned from the find method are different than what you get from regular cssRules.

cssom.appendTo(element) -> this

Append the style created to a different element. Element can be a DOM element, or a selector string that will work with document.querySelector.

By default dom-cssom appends the style to the head.

Perhaps you are on the cutting edge, and added the scoped attribute.

var cssom = domCSSOM({scoped: true}).appendTo('#some-id');

The styles would apply to the location of the style node if the browser supports scoped styles tags.

Static Properties


Set a custom DOM document implementation. This could be a jsdom instance.

A Warning

This module uses the CSSOM which is only uniformly supported in the most modern browsers.


dom-cssom is an attempt at making unintrustive styling easier.

Using this module is the same as writing embedded styles only with javascript. That is to say that it literally creates an embedded style tag. So use it like you do embedded styles.