Light weight dom traverse & manipulation (no chain or any other thing)
var _ = require('dom');
var els = document.querySelectorAll('.foo');
Install with npm:
$ npm install dom-easy
Install with component(1):
$ component install chemzqm/dom
initialize dom with node or array or selector of nodes(or array like).
initialize dom with querySelectorAll from selector.
clean the childnodes with selector of empty the node(s).
remove node(s).
insert the element(s) before node
insert the element(s) after node
append node to (each) element.
append element(s) to node.
prepend node to (each) element.
prepend element(s) to node.
set attributes for node(s)
set styles for node(s)
find parent by selector or direct parent.
find parents by selector or all parents.
find direct children by selector or all children.
find previous node by selector or direct previousSibling.
find next node by selector or direct previousSibling.
find all previous node filter with optional selector.
find all next node filter with optional selector.
call fn
with each node with arguments el, i, els
The MIT License (MIT)