A JavaScript delegation event micro library.
dom-events (dom-events-delegation on npm) is written as an ECMAScript2015 module, and uses ECMAScript2015 features such destructuring, default values, weak map; it's possible to use in the browser today through the combo jspm package loader and babeljs.
When the module is transpiled (with some polyfill installed such as Array.from
, Symbol
, Weakmap
), it proved to work until IE10 (never tested with IE9).
In case you need another module format there are several projects which can do automatically the conversion.
npm install --save dom-events-delegation
CI report
known issues
fails on Firefox, cause . Same issue affects jQuery too.CI skips tests, about focus/blur events, from
cause when launched headless they fail on Firefox... however they pass when launched in the browser.
api and usages
For the examples in the current section I consider the following DOM tree:
<section id="main">
<h1>Choose a pillow:</h1>
<input id="opt1" type="radio" name="colour" value="red"/>
<label for="opt1">red</label>
<input id="opt2" type="radio" name="colour" value="blue"/>
<label for="opt2">blue</label>
<button id="btn">Pick the pillow</button>
on: function on(htmlElements, type, [delegator, ] handler);
- {HTMLElement|HTMLCollection|NodeList} htmlElements: html elements for which the event listener will be set
- {String} type: the name of the event
- {String} [delegator]: the selector of the elements which should react on the event
- {Function} handler: the function that should be called when the event is triggered
Add an event listener on the DOM elements passed as parameter.
If we want to add a listener on the button, we could simply write something like:
var btn = document.getElementById("btn");
// not really need this step (, but for clarity sake.
Events.on(btn, 'click', function() { /* do your stuff here */ });
Or using event delegation:
var main = document.getElementById("main");
Events.on(main, 'click', '#btn', function() { /* do your stuff here */ });
Of course this is more useful in case you want to attach the same handler on several targets.
off: function off(htmlElements, [type, ] [delegator, ] [handler] );
- {HTMLElement|HTMLCollection|NodeList} htmlElements: html elements for which the event listener will be removed
- {String} [type]: the name of the event
- {String} [delegator]
- {Function} [handler]
Remove the event listeners which match the parameters from the DOM elements passed as first argument.
So if you want to remove the previous listeners:; // remove all the listener attached on btn, 'click'); // remove all the click listener attached on btn
// ...
// it's even possible to remove only the listeners with a specific delegator, or handler, or both.
fire: function fire(htmlElements, type,
- {HTMLElement|HTMLCollection|NodeList} htmlElements: html elements for which simulate the event
- {String} type: the name of the event
- {Any} [data]: additional arguments for the event handler
Simulate the triggering of the event type
on the elements htmlElements
It executes the handlers attached on htmlElements
, and simulate the bubbling of the event, on their parents.
Let's try to simulate the click on the button., 'click');
// ... and we can also pass additional custom data, which will be available as arguments in the event handler function.
Events.on(btn, 'click', function(evt, ...args) {
console.log(args); // ['foo', 'bar']
});, 'click', 'foo', 'bar');
debug: function debug(htmlElement, type = "")
- {HTMLElement} htmlElement: the html element for which to get events' information
- {String} [type]: the name of the event
Get the list of the event listeners registered on a particular html element. If the event type is not specified it returns all the events set on that particular dom element.