
find unique dom path for DOM node

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import domNodePath from '';


dom node path

Simple lib which extracts a unique path for a given HTMLElement in DOM tree.


yarn add dom-node-path


import {DOMNodePath} from "dom-node-path"

const node = document.getElementById("my-node")
const nodePath = DOMNodePath.get(node)

Example return value:

  {"tag":"div","id":"","classList":["app-wrapper", "active"],"nthChild":1},
  • the first element is descendant of document.body
  • the last element is the queried node

Alternatively one can get xpath as follows:

import {DOMNodePath} from "dom-node-path"

const node = document.getElementById("my-node")
const nodePath = DOMNodePath.getXpath(node)

Example return value:


Or retreive shortened xpath to first encountered tag with id set

import {DOMNodePath} from "dom-node-path"

const node = document.getElementById("my-node")
const nodePath = DOMNodePath.getXpath(node, true)

Example return value:
