Async query addon for dom-testing-library
Each of the get
and getAll
queries from dom-testing-library
are wrapped in an async find
The find APIs return a Promise and retry automatically until they time out. The timeout can be specified as an option in the last argument.
import { findByLabelText, findByText } from 'dom-testing-addon-async'
const container = document;
// trigger an action'log-in'))
// This element doesn't appear immediately:
const usernameElement = await findByLabelText(container, 'username', {timeout: 200})
usernameElement.value = 'chucknorris'
// wait for error state
expect(await findByText(container, 'Error: Name must be capitalized')).not.toBeNull()
// expect NOT to see success state
await expect(findByText(container, 'Everything OK!')).rejects.toMatchInlineSnapshot()
is a utility function that lets you retry queries until they succeed or time out. Unlike dom-testing-library#wait
, waitFor
returns the result of the function. It is used internally to create the find APIs.
The first argument is the query. A new async function is returned if this is the only argument. If there are more arguments, it returns a Promise which resolves with the result of calling the async function with the arguments. If the last argument is an object with a "timeout" key, it will be used as the timeout for the retries. The Promise is rejected with the last error thrown by the callback.
const usernameElement = await waitFor(getByLabelText, container, 'username')
usernameElement.value = 'chucknorris'
You can create your own async queries by passing only the first argument:
const waitForText = waitFor(getByText)
const headline = await waitForText('news flash')
expect(headline).toBeDefined() // do something
with react-testing-library
You can add the queries to react-testing-libary's render method as described here
- import { render, fireEvent } from 'react-testing-library';
+ import { render, fireEvent } from '../test-utils';
// test-utils.js
import {render} from 'react-testing-library'
import * as syncQueries from 'dom-testing-library/dist/queries'
import * as asyncQueries from 'dom-testing-addon-async/dist/queries'
const allQueries = {
function customRender(ui, {queries = allQueries,} = {}) {
return render(ui, {queries,})
// re-export everything
export * from 'react-testing-library'
// override render method
export {customRender as render}