This is a small library that lets your build react.js style websites, but with minimal dependencies and using JSON-ML style syntax instead of JSX.
A Simple Component
DomChanger components are simply functions that export a given interface.
The main export is a render()
function that takes input data and returns what
to display. HTML nodes are described using JSON-ML syntax.
// Defining the component
function HelloMessage() {
return { render: render };
function render(name) {
return ["div", "Hello " + name];
// Creating a instance attached to document.body
var instance = domChanger(HelloMessage, document.body);
// Send in the initial data to render.
You can also instance.destroy()
when you're done with the component and wish
to destroy it.
A Stateful Component
In addition to taking input data (accessed via update arguments), a component
can maintain internal state data (accessed via local variables in the closure).
A component can call refresh
when it's state has been changed.
function Timer(emit, refresh) {
var secondsElapsed = 0;
var interval = setInterval(tick, 1000);
return {
render: render,
cleanup: cleanup
function render() {
return ["div", "Seconds Elapsed: ", secondsElapsed];
function tick() {
function cleanup() {
An Application
Using update data and closure state, we can put together a small Todo application. This example uses state to track the current list of items as well as the text that the user has entered.
function TodoApp(emit, refresh) {
var items = [], text = "";
return { render: render };
function render() {
return ["div",
["h3", "TODO"],
[TodoList, items],
["form", { onsubmit: handleSubmit },
["input", {
onchange: onChange,
value: text
["button", "Add #", items.length + 1]
function handleSubmit(evt) {
text = "";
function onChange(evt) {
text =;
function TodoList() {
return { render: render };
function render(items) {
return ["ul", (itemText) {
return ["li", itemText];
Live Example
You can play around with a larger example in this fiddle.