
some description

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import domic from '';


What is Domic

Domic is a typescript library intended to build user interfaces in a web environment. It tries to embrace the DOM as much as possible while still providing powerful constructs that allow for complex application creation.

It helps you accomplish this goal by providing the following ;

  • A controller system which binds objects to DOM nodes, notifying them whenever the node is added or removed from the document
  • An observable library for all that reactive bindings goodness
  • A react compatible build function meant to be used with jsx/tsx

Domic is typescript-first. As such, its API is meant to accomodate the type checker and its inference as much as possible.

Note that it is not meant to be used for website creation ; only the latest browsers are targeted. It is however ideal for mobile applications or environments such as nwjs.