
DOMinator is a jQuery-like DOM micro library. DOMinator is not meant to be fully compatible with jQuery, but to only provide a commonly used subset of functionality. DOMinator only works in modern browsers, including IE10+. DOMinator's lack of features has one significant benefit - its tiny size. Compare DOMinator's 1.3kb gzipped footprint to jQuery's 30+kb.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dominator from '';



DOMinator is a jQuery-like DOM micro library. DOMinator is not meant to be fully compatible with jQuery, but to only provide a commonly used subset of functionality. DOMinator only works in modern browsers, including IE10+. DOMinator's lack of features has one significant benefit - its tiny size. Compare DOMinator's 1.3kb gzipped footprint to jQuery's 30+kb.


Get involved:

Any and all pull requests will be reviewed and considered.

Specific needs:

  • Documentation
  • Cross browser testing
  • IE8/IE9 support
  • Bower package


This software is available under version 2.0 of the MPL: