
Dominion log parser -- under development.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dominionLogParser from '';


Dominion Deck Tracker

CI codecov badge-joke


Quick deck tracker for Actively parses the log to determine what is in a given players deck.



Clone and setup repo:

git clone <url> dominion-tracker
cd dominion-tracker
npm i

Build extension:

npm run dev

Add the extension you have just built to Edge Chromium or Chrome browsers:

In browser:
Settings > Extensions > "Load unpacked"
Choose project dist folder (<repo root>/dist)

Changes are retranspiled under npm run dev. If only UI has changed the browser seems to pick this up automatically. If any typescript or javascript is updated, in edge/chrome, you will have to click reload under the extension in the Extensions page and refresh the browser page. The official docs don't actually say when this is necessarry but I found it is often needed ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Run Tests

Oh, barely. But you can run tests with:

npm run test

Create production zip to upload to chrome extension store

npm run package