Modal window is a container to display content in an overlay window.Dondo Modal component fulfill all WCAG standards for accesible modal window.
Input and Outputs
● elementID – type: string with default value confDialog. This input must be unique becouse define the ID of the element.
● title – type: string withe default value null. This input defines the titel of modal window.
● size – type: string with default value null. This input defines the size of the modal window(sm, lg and xl)
●dialog text – type:string with default value null.Thies input defines the text in body of alert dialog. If the dialog text is null the standard text is 'Are you sure?'.
● confirmation - type: boolean with default value false.This input defines if you want to use modal window or alert dialog.
●clickOutsideStayOpen –type: boolean with default value false. This input allow turn off the functionality to close the window with click outside the window or press escape.
● confirm – type: boolean. This output is used with alert dialogs and return true if you press YES button and return false if you press NO button.
● cancelClicked: type: boolean. This input return true if you click to cancel button.
● notExist – type: HTML element. Returns the opening HTML element if the element not exist after dialog is closed.
- bootstrap (npm install bootstrap --save)
- jquery(npm install jquery --save)
- popper js (npm install popper.js --save)