
done is a command line tool to help standardize release.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import done from '';



done is a command line tool to help standardize release.

just run npx done.


  • No dependencies. (15k ~gzip).
  • Support multiple remotes.
  • Support Hooks.
  • Faster running speed.


done will help you automatically generate a release, follow SemVer spec.

Recommended use of NPX. Please do not download this package. (required npm > 5.2.0, what is npx.)

npx done


everything is done, it's easy, right?


done will look for a file named release.js in the root directory of your project.

// release.js
module.export = (meta: Release.HookMetas): string => {
  if (meta.type === 'patch') {
    return 'fix some bugs'
  return meta.version

Hook params:

export interface ChangeInfo {
  name: string,
  pluralName: string,
  description: string,

export interface HookMetas {
  infos: ChangeInfo,
  type: string,
  version: string,


  • why use npx instead of install?

    1. done very small and no dependences (published), the online experience is great.
    2. make your computer cleaner.
    3. conflict with shell reservations, if you must download to the global, try DONE.
  • why can't add files when release?

    1. done jsut to help you add tags.
    2. add files requires GitHub(or other) authentication.
  • why NPX is so fast?

    1. i used ncc pack files, it worked amazingly well.
    2. i use arg instead of commander.
