
Bootstrap typeahead for donejs

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import donejsTypeahead from '';


Bootstrap typeahead for donejs

Build Status

Usage (donejs)

Install / Configure

  1. npm install donejs-typeahead --save

  2. import it within your stache file, for instance index.stache <can-import from="donejs-typeahead/" />

  3. insert it using the options you need

      suggestion-template='<div class="donejs-typeahead-suggestion donejs-typeahead-selectable"><span class="test-1">[[name]]</span> / [[github]]</div>' 
  1. You'll need an API server (@todo: provide a step by step guide for this, probably using feathersjs)
  2. You can use debug=true to make things easier (actually setting debug to any value will do it)
  3. Set the correct name for your-variable in order to create a two way binding with your viewmodel. If you want to set the binding using an object use {(selected-element-object)}="your-variable"

Remember to start the server using donejs develop

Try it


Test it

  1. You can either run the tests: http://localhost:8080/test/test.html
  2. or run the automated tests (no need to start the server)


Usage (dist)

ES6 use

With StealJS, you can import this module directly in a template that is autorendered:

import plugin from 'donejs-typeahead';

CommonJS use

Use require to load donejs-typeahead and everything else needed to create a template that uses donejs-typeahead:

var plugin = require("donejs-typeahead");

AMD use

Configure the can and jquery paths and the donejs-typeahead package:

<script src="require.js"></script>
        paths: {
            "jquery": "node_modules/jquery/dist/jquery",
            "can": "node_modules/canjs/dist/amd/can"
        packages: [{
                name: 'donejs-typeahead',
                location: 'node_modules/donejs-typeahead/dist/amd',
                main: 'lib/donejs-typeahead'
    require(["main-amd"], function(){});

Standalone use

Load the global version of the plugin:

<script src='./node_modules/donejs-typeahead/dist/global/donejs-typeahead.js'></script>


Making a Build

To make a build of the distributables into dist/ in the cloned repository run

npm install
node build

Running the tests

Tests can run in the browser by opening a webserver and visiting the test.html page. Automated tests that run the tests from the command line in Firefox can be run with

npm test