
Add a Visual Studio Code launch.json to your DoneJS app.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import donejsVscode from '';



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Add a Visual Studio Code launch.json to your DoneJS app.

Visual Studio Code is a cross-platform app for writing code and it comes with an excellent Node.js debugger. This generator will setup your project to work with VS Code and is especially handy for debugging the server-side rendered part of a DoneJS application.


Using the generator

To add this generator to your DoneJS application, run

donejs add vscode

A launch.json file will automatically be built from the develop script in the project's package.json.

Note: This will overwrite any existing /.vscode/launch.json you have in place. But, if you are just starting a new project, you probably won't have one in place, yet.


To make changes to this generator, clone the repository and install the dependencies

git clone
cd donejs-vscode
npm install

Then you can run the tests with

npm test