
React and react-native starter kit

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import doobooCli from '';



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Quick News


  • React Native & Expo Templates

    dooboo-cli RN template Expo template
    3.3.11 0.61.5 36
    3.4.+ 0.62.+ 37
    3.5.+ 0.62.+ 38
    3.6.+ 0.63.+ 38
    4.0.+ 0.63.+ 39
    5.0.+ 0.63.+ (web support) 40
    6.0.+ 0.63.+ (atomic design) 40
    6.1.1+ 0.63.+ (removed atomic) 40
    6.2.+ 0.64.+ 40
    6.3.+ (Emotion) 0.64.+ (emotion) 41
    6.3.+ 0.64.+ 41
    6.6.+ 0.64.+ 42
    6.7.+ 0.65.+ 42
    7.0.+ 0.66.+ 43
    7.2.+ 0.66.+ 44
    7.3.+ 0.66.+ (expo modules) 44

Stacks we use

Web based project

Native mobile based project

Quick News

  • In v7, dooboo-ui ui framework is preinstalled in react-native and expo project. Hope you like it 🧡.

  • Starting from v6, we manage our boilerplate folder name similar to atomic design pattern but not exactly.

    • Main changes in all projects
      • screen dir moved to pages.
      • shared dir moved to uis.
  • In v5, we drive react-native project to support react-native-web.

    • Main changes in react-native project
      • The screen component should be wrapped with withScreen provided in wrapper.tsx.


  • with npm
      npm install -g dooboo-cli
  • with yarn
      yarn global add dooboo-cli


  Usage: dooboo [source file]

    -V, --version        output the version number
    -h, --help           output usage information

    init                 init boilerplate of dooboo generated app.
    start                start the project
    test                 run test for your project
    page <c>             generate page (aka screen) component.
    template <c>         generate template (aka shared) component.
    api <c>              generate file for api call format.


