
Generate a labyrinth using Prim's algorithm

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import doolhof from '';



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Doolhof, which stands for a labyrinth in Dutch, helps you genrates a maze, using Prim's algorithm.


npm install doolhof


yarn add doolhof


import Doolhof from 'doolhof'

const maze = new Doolhof({
  row: 5, // The row count of the maze. Walls are excluded. Default: 10.
  col: 5, // The column count of the maze. Walls are excluded. Default: 10.
  start: [1, 0], // The coordinate of the entry. Walls are included. Default: the top-left corner.
  end: [9, 10] // The coordinate of the exit. Walls are included. Default: the bottom-right corner.

maze.generate() // Generates a new maze with the given option.
maze.get() // Get the formatted data of the maze.