
Allows user to create invitions with a hash and find invitations that exist using redis

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import doorGuard from '';



Door-Guard is my first attempt at a public node module. This module was created to scratch a personal itch because I was not having any luck finding recent invite-only access modules for creating users. By creating Door-Guard I hope to be able to supply a module that takes care of the following:

  • Create invitiations using an email and inviter
  • Generate a hash that will be used to find whether an invitation to join is valid
  • Other things as I think them up...

Please note that this is both very new and sould be considered a pre-pre-pre alpha version as well as that this is my first node module and could definitely use some experienced eyes to look over it and give me some feedback.



Initial version. Supplies two functions. One to create an invitation and another to find an invition using a hash given on creation. Simple stuff.


Door guard utilises the following modules and software to work. Please check out below:

  • We use bcrypt for creating hashes
  • We also use redis for storing invitations, so make sure you have a redis server up!


$ npm install door-guard

Example Code

var guard = require('door-guard');

//Create an invitation

guard.createInvitation('', 'inviterusername', function (err, hash) {
    if (err) {console.log(err)} else {
        //This is the hash that is used to return the invitation

//Find an invitiation

guard.findInvitation('Put hash here', function (err, invitation) {
    if (err) {console.log(err)} else {


  • Write Tests
  • Write better documentation
  • Write better bloody module



Free Software, Hell Yeah!