
clinet library for accessing dot4 kpi repository

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dot4KpiRepositoryClient from '';


JavaScript Client Library for dot4 Kpi Repository

Usage - Installation

$ npm install dot4-kpi-repository-js --save

Use library in Node.js

const createClient = requires('dot4-kpi-repository-js');
const config = {
    apiKey: '...', // api key created in dot4
    tenant: '...' // technical mandant
const client = createClient(config);

await client.bind();


create client


Get all services from kpi repository. Returns an array of all service objects known by the kpi repository.

const services = client.getServices();
// => [{ uid: '3BD256D8-CA6A-41C7-8A47-CB3F92118A85', name: 'service1', ...}]

Technical Services

The state of a service is calculated by the worst state of a technical service assigned to the service. Technical Services are normaly imported from the theGuard! BSM. But they can also be created and updated by an script.

Create a technical service

Creates a new technical Service. Each Technical Service is identified by an UUID:

const technicalService = {
    uid: 'de66eab6-213b-4206-8f49-b37c2f71940b',
    name: 'Technical Service',
    description: "Technical Service created by a script'

const createdTechnicalService = client.createTechnicalService(technicalService)

Save state of a technical service

The state of a technical service can be saved for the current time. the timeseries with states of a technical service has a resolution of one Minute. This means you can send the state of the service every Minute.

const technicalServiceKpi = {
    uid: 'de66eab6-213b-4206-8f49-b37c2f71940b',
    state: 1 


Custom KPI definitions

Create a new custom KPI Definition:

const definition = {
    name: 'paperCountBW',
    label: 'Paper Count Black/White',
    description: 'Kpi Definition for printer service paper count Black/White',
    datatype: 'number',
    storagetype: 'hour',
    isSelected: true,
    color: 'black',
    charttype": 'line'

const newKpiDefinition = client.createKpiDefinition(definition);


Store cutom KPIs for the current timestamp:

const kpi = {
    serviceUid: '3BD256D8-CA6A-41C7-8A47-CB3F92118A85',    
    paperCountBW: 10,
    paperCountColor: 5,    
    maintenancePrinterCount: 2


import kpis