
Exposes a simple API for interacting with the Dota 2 game coordinator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dota2User from '';


Dota 2 for SteamUser (node-steam-user)

npm version

This module provides a very flexible interface for interacting with the Dota 2 Game Coordinator. It's designed to work with a node-steam-user SteamUser instance.

This module is based off the codebases of node-globaloffensive, node-tf2 and node-steam-user. The Dota 2 functionality is based off node-dota2.

This module is not affiliated with those listed above.

You will need node-steam-user v4.2.0 or later and Node.js v8 or later to use node-dota2-user.

This project

My goal is to structure the codebase similar to node-steam-user's component-based approach to ensure maintainability. Although I'm basing the GC communication off node-globaloffensive, there's changes here and there that I've adopted to make development easier (namely in how messages are sent to the GC, and the project structure).

As much as I think node-dota2 is a great module for Dota 2, the lack of maintainability and no support for node-steam-user makes me hate using the module. I have several Dota 2 related bots which use node-dota2 and development is not as great as it could be due to these issues. At the end of the day I want this to be an alternative to node-dota2 which supports node-steam-user. I will also try my best to keep it as maintained as possible.

In the projects current state, it only supports connecting to Dota 2 GC (sending and receiving a Hello). Development is going to take a lot of time since Dota 2 has so many messages and possible features, but I'll continue incrementally adding features. Despite the lack of features, there is enough base behaviour in the project to accomplish anything with the Dota 2 GC.


First, install it from npm:

$ npm install dota2-user

Require the module and call its constructor with your SteamUser instance:

const SteamUser = require('steam-user');
const Dota2User = require('dota2-user');

let user = new SteamUser();
let dota2 = new Dota2User(user);

To initialize your GC connection, just launch CS:GO via SteamUser normally:


node-dota2-user will emit a connectedToGC event when the game coordinator connection has been successfully established. You shouldn't try to do anything before you receive that event.