
Flow contains the universal typings and basic layout of how a .flow file should be structured and defined.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dotflow from '';



Flow contains the universal typings and basic layout of how a .flow file should be structured and defined.


Building a .flow file from the Basic structure

  1. Clone repo
  2. cd Flow
  3. yarn
  4. yarn run build to build a .flow file

Private Node Types


Property Type Description
id string A unique identifier for the node in the Document
name string A non-unique identifier for the node in the Document
type NodeType One of NodeType that declares what type of Node it is

Shape extends Node

Property Type Description
position Flow.Point A unique identifier for the node in the Document
size Flow.Size A non-unique identifier for the node in the Document
connections Flow.Connection[] One of NodeType that declares what type of Node it is

Graphic extends Node

Property Type Description
position Flow.Point A unique identifier for the node in the Document
size Flow.Size A non-unique identifier for the node in the Document
source Flow.FileAsset or Flow.URLAsset One of NodeType that declares what type of Node it is