
Place digital stumbling blocks on your website to support the great cause of

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dothivify from '';



Place digital stumbling blocks on your website to support the great cause of

  • Support the fight against HIV
  • 2.73KB minified and gzipped

What this does

Basically, it helps you helping us making the world a tiny bit better: dothivify replaces all dots in text content of your site with tiny stumbling blocks directing to or the .hiv domain of your choosing. Every click on any .hiv domains generates charity spendings for initiatives supporting the fight against HIV.

Getting started

1. Using our generator
  • Visit
  • Configure the dothivify script as you wish (our go with the turnkey solution)
  • Embedd it at the end of your document's <body> tag
2. Using npm and browserify
npm install --save dothivify
3. Build it yourself
git clone
cd dothivify
npm install
npm run build
  • buttonHref - Target of the popover button
  • buttonText - Display text of the popover button
  • diameter - Diameter of the replacement dots
  • dotBackground - Background color of the replacement dots
  • popoverBackground - Background color of the popover
  • popoverFontSize - Font size of the popover
  • popoverColor - Text color of the popover
  • text - Text displayed in the popover
  • buttonTarget - [target] of the popover button
  • replaced - Character to search and replace
  • queries - document.querySelectorAll query strings. Matched elements text contents will be search and replaced for replaced
  • offset - Offset between dots and popovers


dothivify is published under the MIT License. See the License File for details.