
Dot notation to object. Supports nesting and same level objects as well as (multiple) value assignment and value overriding.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dotject from '';


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Dot notation to object. Shortcode your object creation and value assignments to nested objects.

Supports nesting and same level objects, as well as (multiple) value assignment and value overriding of existing objects.

dotject composition is also available as an atom package.

Getting started

Using npm

npm install dotject --save
var dotject = require("dotject");


Create an object

Simple nested properties

Separating property names with dots (like JavaScript dot notation) will create nested objects:


  "a": {
    "b": {
      "c": {}

Properties at the same level

Separating property names with a comma (similar to JavaScript objects) will create properties at the same level:


  "a": {},
  "b": {}

This notation can be combined with the dot style notation:


  "a": {},
  "b": {
    "c": {}

Extend an existing object

Extend an existing object with new properties by passing the existing object as a second (optional) argument:

dotject("b.c", {"a":{}});

  "a": {},
  "b": {
    "c": {}

Existing object values are retained:

dotject("b.c", {"a": true});

  "a": true,
  "b": {
    "c": {}

Existing nested object properties are retained:

dotject("a.c", {"a":{"b":{}}});

  "a": {
    "b": {},
    "c": {}

Assign a value

You can assign a value to the last nested property:

dotject("a.b", {}, 10);

  "a": {
    "b": 10

Assign multiple values

You can assign a values to the last nested properties:

dotject("a,b.c,d", {}, true, 10, "test");

  "a": true,
  "b": {
    "c": 10
  "d": "test"

Assign multiple values and override existing

You can assign a values to the last nested properties:

dotject("a,b", {"a": false}, true, "test")

  "a": true,
  "b": "test"

"Real world" example

var camera = {isEnabled: true};
camera = dotject("settings.encoding.format,", camera, "JPEG", true);

  "isEnabled": true,
  "settings": {
    "encoding": {
      "format": "JPEG"
  "output": {
    "data": {
      "base64": true


MIT License