
Dotpay widget allows merchants to offer displayed payment channels list in their shops

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dotpayWidget from '';


Dotpay widget

npm version

This is unofficial interactive widget which allows you to choose payment channel in user-friendly way if you use Dotpay payments in your shop. You can you as much widgets on one page as you want. This widget allows you also to register your own event handler on choose payment channel.


You can download the latest version or clone the repository:

git clone

You can compile the project using npm and webpack:

npm install
npm start

You can copy later the widget.js file to your expected destnation.


At first you have to include script with Dotpay widget:

<script type="text/javascript" src="<SCRIPT_FOLDER>/widget.js"></script>

where <SCRIPT_FOLDER> contains Javascript file widget.js with code.

You can use then global object window.dotpayWidget with two methods:

  • init(configuration) - initializes a new widget according to configuration given by the configuration variable in parameter; if you don't give there some properties, they will be initialized by default values; returns jQuery object containing widget container in DOM structure;
  • getChannel() - returns details of selected channel, compatible to structure in data source; if none then it returns null.

If you don't give the configuration parameter to init() function, it still can use configuration object saved in window.dotpayConfig variable.

HTML element with class given in view.widgetContainer property has to exist when window.dotpayWidget.init() function is executed. For more details look at Examples

When you have chosen a payment channel, all channels slides up. If you want to display them again, you have to click the chosen channel.


This table contains all values you can set in widget configuration.

Property Type Description Default value
payment.sellerId int Seller id from Dotpay panel null
payment.amount double Amount of money 1000.00
payment.currency string Code of currency PLN
payment.lang string Code of language pl string Host of request where is available data with payment channels see more details
request.test boolean Flag if test mode is used false
request.disabled string Value which informs how mode of displaying disabled channels is active (see more details) mark
request.hiddenChannels array Array of channel numbers which will not be displayed. This feature doesn't depend on data from server null
request.groups array Array of channel group ids which are displayed. If none is specified, channels from all groups will be displayed. null
view.widgetContainer string Class name of widget container dotpay-widget-container
view.channelContainer string Class name of single channel container dotpay-channel
view.errorContainer string Class name of error container dotpay-widget-error
view.chosenContainer string Class name of container for chosen channel dotpay-chosen-container
view.toggleStyle string Name of style how should be toggle channels (available values: fade or slide) fade
view.information boolean Flag if message information should be displayed in channel true
event.onLoad function Handler of 'load widget' event (see more details) empty function
event.onChoose function Handler of 'select channel' event (see more details) empty function

Location of data source

Dotpay offers to have a test account where you can make fake payments to test your integration before switch it to production mode. Widget uses different location of data source:

  • test mode:
  • production mode:

You can use own data source. It requires to have available JSON data which format is compatible with used by Dotpay.

Displaying of disabled channels

Some channels can be marked in data source as disabled. You can decide how to display those channels. Here are available three ways:

  • display - disabled channel is displayed like other normal channels;
  • mark - disabled channel is displayed but marked as disable channel;
  • hide - disabled channel isn't displayed.

Widget allows to use two handlers. They are functions which get one parameter. Handlers handles following events:

  • onLoad - widget has been loaded successfully; parameter contains data of all channels loaded from data source; the structure is the same as in the source;
  • onChoose - payment channel has been chosen by user; parameter contains jQuery event details.


This widget offers two types of events: loading of its data from Dotpay server and choosing selected channel. Handlers are functions which take one argument - event data. It's the same object as for handlers given to native JavaScript function.


The event is executed on the main widget object so its reference is given in the argument of handler.


This event is executed when a payment channel has been selected. Single argument of its handler has additional property where is located data of selected channel with information compatible with data source (this is when e is the name of handler parameter).

Elements of object are described in this table:

Property Type Description
id int Payment channel id
name string Name of channel
logo string Url of payment channel's logo
group string Group of channel
group_name string Group name of channel
short_name string Simplified name of channel
is_disable boolean Boolean flag if channel is disabled by Dotpay
is_not_online boolean Boolean flag if channel is not online (not automatical payment)
warranty_available boolean Boolean flag about warranty availability


Full simple code

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <meta charset="utf-8"/>
        <title>Dotpay Widget</title>
        <script src="../dist/widget.js"></script>
        var dotpayConfig = {
            //widget configuration
        <div class="dotpay-widget-container"></div>

Basic configuration

var dotpayConfig = {
    payment: {
        sellerId: 999999,
        amount: 159.47,
        currency: 'USD',
        lang: 'en'


MIT, see LICENSE file.