ready to use web server components based on MVC
This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry. Installation is done using the npm install command:
$ npm install dotweb
Fast development and ready to use
you should write a few lines to set up your server and continue with writing your model and controllers. dotweb detect your paths and connect all source codes together.
- not necessary to build any router
- not necessary to require files
- not necessary to know about web servers
- not necessary to understand what I say
Just make these 3 files to start:
const { Application } = require("dotweb");
// provide an application initializer
const application = new Application("MyApp");
// initialize necessary services
// initialize all models dynamically
// initialize all controllers dynamically
const { ModelMongoose } = require("dotweb");
const { Schema } = require("mongoose");
module.exports = class extends ModelMongoose {
// build a new mongoose schema
schema() {
return new Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true },
number: String,
address: String,
const { Controller } = require("dotweb");
module.exports = class extends Controller {
// handle all post requests
post(params) {
const { record } = this.application.models;
return record(params).save();
// handle all get requests
get() {
const { record } = this.application.models;
return record.find();
do not need to restart your node service on file changes.
Full Package is Available Now
start any service jut by one application.start
start redis cache service:
start mongoose database service:
mongoURL: mongodb connection link.
start jsonwebtoken authorization service:
secret: jsonwebtoken passphrase or secret.
start express web service:, messages);
build: server build will return in any api calls.
messages: server error messages.
default massages are:
const messages = {
0: "successfully respond",
10: "no response from server",
11: "unknown error",
12: "wrong api address",
13: "method not found",
14: "access denied",
15: "no response delivered in request deadline",
16: "internal server error",
17: "authorization failed",
18: "fail to handle too many requests",
19: "license expired",
20: "controller not found",
21: "no response",
22: "no response from controller",
23: "wrong api version",
start http listener service:
port: listening port.
start https listener service:
application.start.https(options, port);
options: https need some options to start.
const fs = require("fs");
const options = {
key: fs.readFileSync("privkey.pem"),
cert: fs.readFileSync("cert.pem"),
passphrase: "haShSEcrEt",
port: listening port.
start firebase messaging service:
application.start.firebase(credential, databaseURL);
credential: firebase account credential.
databaseURL: firebase account database url.
start service:
application.start.socket(build, messages);
build: server build will return in any api calls.
messages: server error messages.
default massages are:
const messages = {
0: "successfully respond",
10: "no response from server",
11: "unknown error",
12: "wrong api address",
13: "method not found",
14: "access denied",
15: "no response delivered in request deadline",
16: "internal server error",
17: "authorization failed",
18: "fail to handle too many requests",
19: "license expired",
20: "controller not found",
21: "no response",
22: "no response from controller",
23: "wrong api version",
Extra Features
use cache in controllers
const { Controller, cacheState } = require("dotweb");
module.exports = class extends Controller {
override() {
return {
cacheState: cacheState.public,
cacheExpire: 100,
post(params, { id, ip, domain, method, role, userId, deviceId, login }) {
return `
<h2>This content will cache for 100 seconds</h2>
<p>for exactly the same requests.</p>
extra request info in controllers
const { Controller } = require("dotweb");
module.exports = class extends Controller {
post(params, { id, ip, domain, method, role, userId, deviceId, login }) {
return `
<p>request id: ${id}</p>
<p>client ip: ${ip}</p>
<p>access domain: ${domain}</p>
<p>request method: ${method}</p>
<p>authorized user role: ${role}</p>
<p>authorized user id: ${userId}</p>
<p>authorized user device id: ${deviceId}</p>
<p>authorized user login time stamp: ${login}</p>
make custom error messages in controllers
const { Controller } = require("dotweb");
module.exports = class extends Controller {
override() {
return {
messages: {
101: "this is a test message",
post() {
throw 101;
use validator in models
const { ModelMongoose } = require("dotweb");
const Mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Joi = require("joi");
const Joigoose = require("joigoose")(Mongoose);
module.exports = class extends ModelMongoose {
schema() {
const joiSchema = Joi.object({
name: Joi.string().required(),
username: Joi.string().min(6).max(30).required(),
password: Joi.string()
mobile: Joi.string().required(),
email: Joi.string().email().required(),
const schema = Mongoose.Schema(Joigoose.convert(joiSchema));
schema.path("created").default = new Date();
schema.index({ username: 1 }, { unique: true });
return schema;
It's a beginning; more tools will available soon..