
Doubly Circular linked list with iterator and array-like interface.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import doublycircular from '';



Doubly Circular linked list with iterator and array-like interface

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  • DoublyCircular.length
  • DoublyCircular.prototype


Mutator methods

  • DoublyCircular.prototype.pop() remove last item added to the list
  • DoublyCircular.prototype.push() add new item to the list
  • DoublyCircular.prototype.reverse() swap next and previous for each item
  • DoublyCircular.prototype.shift() remove item from beginning of list
  • DoublyCircular.prototype.unshift() insert item at beginning of list

Accessor methods

  • DoublyCircular.prototype.concat() merge two doubly circular lists into a new one
  • DoublyCircular.prototype.join() return a string containing all of the items in the list with an optional separator
  • DoublyCircular.prototype.toArray() return an array containing all of the items in the list

Iteration methods

  • DoublyCircular.prototype.every() check if callback is true for every item
  • DoublyCircular.prototype.filter() create new list with only the items for which callback is true
  • DoublyCircular.prototype.find() return the first item in the list after current for which callback is true
  • DoublyCircular.prototype.forEach() invoke callback function for each item in the list
  • DoublyCircular.prototype.forEachCCW() same as forEach() but opposite iteration direction
  • create a new list with each item's data containing the result of the callback
  • DoublyCircular.prototype.reduce() apply callback against accumulator and each value in the list
  • DoublyCircular.prototype.reduceCCW() same as reduce() but opposite iteration direction
  • DoublyCircular.prototype.some() check if callback is true for any item


Make sure that the test suite passes after your changes. You should also have tests that cover the new functionality or demonstrate the bug fix. The test suite is written on top of mocha. To run the test suite just type make. This will download all of the dependencies (if not already installed) and run the tests.


This software - © Casey Robinson 2014 - is released under the MIT license. You can find a copy in LICENSE.txt or at