
Download a Node-ChakraCore binary.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import downloadChakracore from '';



Deprecated. The Node-ChakraCore project has been archived.

Download a Node-ChakraCore binary.

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npm install download-chakracore


In order to use this, you need unzip or tar. download-chakracore will prefer .zip over .tar.gz when downloading from the releases.

Usage from the command line

download-chakracore <destination>

destination must be the final path of the node executable.

Usage from JS

const download = require('download-chakracore')

download(dest, {log: console.log})

dest must be the final path of the node executable. opt partially overrides the following defaults:

    version: 'latest',
    arch: process.arch,
    platform: process.platform,
    cache: require('env-paths')('download-chakracore').cache,
    githubToken: null,
    log: () => {} // to log messages

Returns a Promise that rejects if an error occurs.


If you have a question or have difficulties using download-chakracore, please double-check your code and setup first. If you think you have found a bug or want to propose a feature, refer to the issues page.