
Initiate a file download from your browser's current window

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import downloadInBrowser from '';



Travis NPM

download-in-browser allows you to initiate a file download from your browser's current window and then respond using a Promise.


npm install download-in-browser



Download a file by URL, with an optional fileName param. It will make an XMLHttpRequest GET request in order to grab the response headers from the URL.

After receiving the headers, the download function will abort the request (so as to not begin streaming the download) and respond with a Promise that will be resolved or rejected with the following properties from the XMLHttpRequest object, depending on the response status,

  status: xhr.status,
  statusText: xhr.statusText

At the same time the Promise is dispatched and if the GET request was successful, an invisible link will be created and then followed, initiating the download.


const download = require("download-in-browser")

download("", "")
  .then((data) => console.log(`${data.statusText}: Download has started...`))
  .catch((err) => console.log(`${err.statusText}: Download failed to start`))


MIT © Ezekiel Gabrielse