Remote file downloader/tester with repetitions and file download auto-extensions
I did this tool because the available tools like curl are slow when doing something this:
curl -s "[1-1000]"
The above took more than 40 seconds to complete, while with download-tester it took roughly 13 seconds.
Download-tester downloads each request concurrently. The extension for the downloaded files is automatically appended.
git clone
yarn install
1 - With dependency of dt (download-tester)
const req1 = {
options: {
url: ''
numberOfRequests: 10,
stream: 'fsStream'
const req2 = {
options: {
url: ''
numberOfRequests: 10,
stream: 'stdOutputStream'
const emitters = dt.execute([req1, req2]);
From the emitters above the following events are available to be listened:
for(let key in emitters) {
emitters[key].on('response', (response) => {
emitter.emit('response', {reqNumber: reqNumber, args: args, response: response, stream: stream});
emitters[key].on('progress', (progress) => {
emitter.emit('progress', {reqNumber: reqNumber, args: args, progress: progress});
emitters[key].on('end', () => {
emitter.emit('end', {reqNumber: reqNumber, args: args});
emitters[key].on('error', (error) => {
emitter.emit('error', {reqNumber: reqNumber, args: args, error: error});
Since this module uses request-multi-streams module, which in turn wraps request and request-progress, it supports the same options for http get requests.
const req2 = {
options: {
url: {String}
progressOptions: {
throttle: {Number}
delay: {Number}
numberOfRequests: {Number},
stream: {fsStream | stdOutputStream},
outputDir: {String},
outputFilename: {String}
fsStream when outputDir or outputFilename is used and stdOutputStream is not specified.
reqNumber: {Number},
args: {Object}, -> The args sent to the request
progress: {Number}, -> The progress of the requests
response: {Object}, -> The same as the request.js module
stream: {Object}, -> Pipeable
error: {Object}
2 - With the cli
Usage: cli : npm run cli dt
dt [options] <url> [numberOfRequests]
Tests and downloads the resources pointed by the url.
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-d, --dir set output to the file system with a given directory
-f, --file set output to the file system with a given filename
-s, --std set output to the standard output stream
##### Works with node > 4.x
##### TODO
- Bulk test/download through the usage of a ".csv" file
- More unit tests