
Download and extract files

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import downloadex from '';



Download and extract files

See download-cli for the command-line version.

This is a drop-in replacement for the original download, which many projects depend on to download binary files or third-party source code.

The problem for the original version is that it always tries to download the resources, without cache, and not able to use mirrors. This is terrible when used in slow / poor network environments, e.g. in China.

With this replacement, you can easily rewrite the URLs before downloading, by creating an .downloadrc file in your home directory. See Rewriting for more details.

If you are using yarn, simply adding this to your package.json will work:

  "resolutions": {
    // one of:
    "download": "", // recommended for universal usage
    "download": "",
    "download": "gera2ld/download#v8.1.0", // tag will be fetched every time on install


$ npm install downloadex


const fs = require('fs');
const download = require('downloadex');

(async () => {
    await download('', 'dist');

    fs.writeFileSync('dist/foo.jpg', await download(''));


    await Promise.all([
    ].map(url => download(url, 'dist')));


To work with proxies, read the got documentation.


This feature allows downloading from mirrors, by supporting URL rewriting.

Create a .downloadrc in you home directory or somewhere else that can be searched by cosmiconfig, with prefix replacing rules. For instance, rewriting the URLs to download image processing binary files:

  "rewrite": {
    "": "",
    "": "",
    "": ""

By using a JavaScript config file .downloadrc.js instead of a JSON one, you can also provide rewrite as a function. For example, rewriting GitHub URLs to jsdelivr:

module.exports = {
  rewrite(uri) {
    const matches = uri.match(/^https:\/\/raw\.githubusercontent\.com\/([^/]+\/[^/]+)\/([^/]+)\/(.*)$/);
    if (matches) {
      const [, repo, tag, path] = matches;
      return `${repo}@${tag}/${path}`;


download(url, destination?, options?)

Returns both a Promise<Buffer> and a Duplex stream with additional events.


Type: string

URL to download.


Type: string

Path to where your file will be written.


Type: Object

Same options as got and decompress in addition to the ones below.


Type: boolean
Default: false

If set to true, try extracting the file using decompress.


Type: string

Name of the saved file.