
This CLI tool has been developed to find and process project-specific localization methods in dpeurasia e-commerce web applications. It is completely useless for another project unless a similar method is used.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dpSlocale from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dp-slocale';



This CLI tool has been developed to find and process project-specific localization methods in dpeurasia e-commerce web applications. It is completely useless for another project unless a similar method is used.


npm i -g dp-slocale


dp-slocale -d ./project

  • -d Search directory. If it is empty, it works in the command path.
  • -f Allows searching only in specified folders. Takes a string value divided by a comma. dp-slocale -f '/src, /helpers'
  • -n Lists localizations newly added to the project and not included in the API. It takes the API's localization endpoint as an argument for comparison. dp-slocale -d ./project -n https://api.site/localization?locale=EN
  • -wf It also adds the erroneous results along with the file paths to the output.