A local 'CI-like' Node.js app
npm install dpbb
Create a javascript file that calls bb.create with a list of processors, and then register a file watcher that calls bb.handleChange when any file is changed.
The processors are functions that each return whether they have succeeded. If any processor fails, the remaining processors will not be executed.
There are some helper processor creators and watchers provided.
Hello world
A trivial example that will watch a directory provided on the command line.
First install required packages:
npm install dpbb
npm install console-stamp
Save the following as hello_world.js:
"use strict";
// add timestamps in front of log messages
require('console-stamp')(console, 'HH:MM:ss');
var bb = require('dpbb');
var fs = require('fs')
// Get directory from command line argument
var progArgs = process.argv.slice(2);
var sourceDir = progArgs[0];
if (!sourceDir) {
console.log('Directory must be specified.');
// Create a chain of processors, that together
// will print Hello World
var processors = [
function() {
return true;
function() {
return true;
// Start watching the directory with the processor chain, function(eventType) { bb.handleChange(); });
Run it:
node hello_world.js <DIR_TO_WATCH>
Whenever a file in the directory changes, Hello World will be printed.
Commands and chokidar
A more useful example script, that uses the helpers to watch a directory and run some tests:
var bb = require('dpbb');
// Argument is the directory to monitor
var progArgs = process.argv.slice(2);
var sourceDir = progArgs[0];
if (!sourceDir) {
console.log('Directory must be specified.');
// Some commands to run in the following order
var commands = [
'behave -k IntegrationTest'
// first create the processors
var processors = bb.command_processor.createCommandProcessors(commands, sourceDir);
// now start watching the directory for changes
// ignores is a regular expression to ignore changes on,
// here we have files starting with ., python cache and visual studio generated files, /^\.|\_pycache|.vs/, bb.handleChange);