
run deployd without mongodb (but a jsonfile instead to store data)

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dpdFilebasedMongodb from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dpd-filebased-mongodb';


run deployd without mongodb (but a jsonfile instead to store data)


$ npm install dpd-filebased-mongodb mongo-mock --save
$ mkdir data
$ export MONGO_DB_FILE=data/mongo.js
$ node app.js

Now make sure you include it before deployd itself in your app.js:

    require('dpd-filebased-mongodb')           // <-- magic right there
    var deployd = require('deployd')
    var dpd = deployd({port:3000});

That's it! Now your data is stored in data/mongodb.js


  • Sometimes you want to use deployd for simple api's without the mongodb-requirement.
  • Sometimes you want to test deployd with a fake mongodb


  • to specify a different dbfile, specify environment variable MONGO_DB_FILE="data/foo.js" etc
  • it doesn't run all mongo-queries, see mongo-mock
  • because of this, hide(field) doesn't always work (solution: put if( this.password ) delete this.password into event-code)