
Dominick's presentation builder

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dprez from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dprez';



DPrez is a simple to use presentation builder that uses markdown and reveal.js to produce simple yet consistent results.

Features include:

  • Syntax Highlights
  • Basic Theming
  • Offline rendering


You can install it via npm as follows:

npm install dprez


DPrez works by reading your .md files and creating html presentations out of them.

To separate the file into multiple slides add the magic <!-- slide --> comment between them.

Simply point it to the correct file:

npx dprez ./path/to/md [--watch] [--theme <themefile>]

Then open the generated html file in your browser.


If you want to add a multi part slide, you can use the <!-- hide --> comment to add a second stage to a given slide.


When generating the presentation it is possible to specify the theme. Theme files have options to configure your presentation and are assumed to be json files.

All properties in a theme file are optional.

  "theme": "beige | black | blood | league | moon | night | serif | simple | sky | solarized | white",
  "code-theme": "a11y-dark | a11y-light | agate | an-old-hope | androidstudio | arduino-light | arta | ascetic | atelier-cave-dark | atelier-cave-light | atelier-dune-dark | atelier-dune-light | atelier-estuary-dark | atelier-estuary-light | atelier-forest-dark | atelier-forest-light | atelier-heath-dark | atelier-heath-light | atelier-lakeside-dark | atelier-lakeside-light | atelier-plateau-dark | atelier-plateau-light | atelier-savanna-dark | atelier-savanna-light | atelier-seaside-dark | atelier-seaside-light | atelier-sulphurpool-dark | atelier-sulphurpool-light | atom-one-dark-reasonable | atom-one-dark | atom-one-light | brown-paper | codepen-embed | color-brewer | darcula | dark | darkula | docco | dracula | far | foundation | github-gist | github | gml | googlecode | grayscale | gruvbox-dark | gruvbox-light | hopscotch | hybrid | idea | ir-black | isbl-editor-dark | isbl-editor-light | kimbie.dark | kimbie.light | lightfair | magula | mono-blue | monokai-sublime | monokai | night-owl | nord | obsidian | ocean | paraiso-dark | paraiso-light | pojoaque | purebasic | qtcreator_dark | qtcreator_light | railscasts | rainbow | routeros | school-book | shades-of-purple | solarized-dark | solarized-light | sunburst | tomorrow-night-blue | tomorrow-night-bright | tomorrow-night-eighties | tomorrow-night | tomorrow | vs | vs2015 | xcode | xt256 | zenburn",
  "background": "./image.png",
  "width": 960,
  "height": 700,
  "margin": 0.1,


You can achieve animations by writing special style code that targets particular elements. In this example the hello header is moved in from the right.

## hello

.present #hello {
  animation-name: example;
  animation-duration: 1s;

@keyframes example {
  from {transform: translate(1000px, 0);}
  to {transform: translate(0,0)}

For full slide animations you can use: section.present.slide-1 assuming that your slide is number 1. Slide numbers begin at 0.

To animate all slides simply use section.present.


There are examples located the examples directory. Navigate to that directory and run the following command to view it:

npx dprez ./example.md --watch

To apply the theme to the examples use:

npx dprez ./example.md --theme ./theme.json --watch


While the generated presentation doesnt have the ability to print, you can use the tool decktape to quickly make a pdf from your presentation.

npm i decktape
npx decktape ./slides.html out.pdf

Tips And Tricks

  • Use class="stretch" to make an element fill as much space as possible
  • Use data-src instead of src to lazy load an iframe or video


The roadmap is in no particular order and may be subject to change.

The current plan is to add:

  • JS Plugin support