
Clear all formatting helper for DraftJS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import draftJsClearFormatting from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/draft-js-clear-formatting';


Draft.js Clear Formatting

This package is a helper function for Draft JS users. It allows you toclear formatting in selected text in your app. You can choose to remove the following edits:

  • Inline styles(bold, italic, underline)
  • Entities(images, links etc.)
  • Lists(orders, unorderes)

For more details checks configuration section below


npm i --save draft-js-clear-formatting

then import the function

import clearFormatting from 'draft-js-clear-formatting'
import Editor from 'draft-js-plugins-editor'

const newEditorState = clearFormatting(editorState, options)

Options object

You can pass options object to the function. This object is not required. By default all options set to true.

const options = {
  inline: true,
  entities: true,
  lists: true,
Option Description Default value
inline Removes all inline styles true
entities Removes all entities true
lists Removes all lists true


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