Creates a new plugin for using inline styles as decorators.
- It all began with this tweet.
- And then there was this issue.
Currently, There is no way of using nested decorators, but using decorators is so fun. So the proposed solution is to handle Draft.js' inline styles as if they were controlled by decorators.
Installation :hamburger:
npm install --save draft-js-create-inline-style-plugin
import React from 'react';
import Editor from 'draft-js-plugins-editor';
import findWithRegex from 'find-with-regex';
import createInlineStylePlugin from 'draft-js-create-inline-style-plugin';
const STAR_REGEX = /\*.+\*/g;
const TILDE_REGEX = /~.+~/g;
const kindOfMarkdownPlugin = createInlineStylePlugin([{
strategy: (contentBlock, callback) => findWithRegex(STAR_REGEX, contentBlock, callback),
styles: ['BOLD']
}, {
strategy: (contentBlock, callback) => findWithRegex(TILDE_REGEX, contentBlock, callback),
styles: ['UNDERLINE']
const MyEditor = ({ editorState, onChange }) => (
editorState={ editorState }
onChange={ onChange }
plugins={ [kindOfMarkdownPlugin] }
export default MyEditor;