
List shortcut Plugin for DraftJS

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import draftJsListShortcutPlugin from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/draft-js-list-shortcut-plugin';


Draft.js List Shortcut Plugin

This is a plugin for the draft-js-plugins-editor, a plugin system that sits on top of Draft.js.

This plugin provides the functionality to start a working with a list with a shortcut - you can press *{space} to start unordered list or 1.{space} to start ordered one.



npm i --save draft-js-list-shortcut-plugin

then import the plugin creator function and create an instance of the plugin

import createListShortcutPlugin from 'draft-js-list-shortcut-plugin'
const listShortcutPlugin = createListShortcutPlugin()

The plugin now can then be passed into a draft-js-plugins-editor component:

import createListShortcutPlugin from 'draft-js-list-shortcut-plugin'
import Editor from 'draft-js-plugins-editor'

const listShortcutPlugin = createListShortcutPlugin()
const plugins = [listShortcutPlugin]

<Editor plugins={plugins} />