
A draftjs implementation by ClassApp

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import drafto from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/drafto';



How to use it?

Install drafto into your project using:

npm i -S drafto && npm install

or (Recommended)

yarn add drafto && yarn

Then you can import Drafto component inside your js:

import Drafto from 'drafto';
  placeholder={'Write the message here'}
  onChange={content => console.log(content)}
  hyperlinkPlaceholder={'Insert link and press Enter'}


  • Extract css styles with webpack
  • Add font awesome as primary icon font
  • Table (Waiting a new plugin from draft-js-plugins)
  • Create an example
  • Improve develop workflow
  • Improve alignment selector. If an alignment style have been already applied in editor and user wants to change it we must remove the last one and then apply the other
  • Publish Drafto in NPM


Clone Drafto and run:

yarn && yarn run build && yarn link

In your project folder you do:

yarn link drafto

After that, just import in your code:

import Drafto from 'drafto';
  placeholder={'Write the message here'}
  onChange={content => console.log(content)}
  hyperlinkPlaceholder={'Insert link and press Enter'}


PR are welcome :)

Feel free to implement your ideas \o/