
Command line tool to check the licenses of the installed dependencies

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dragonnodejsLicense from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dragonnodejs-license';


DragonNode.js License

Command line tool to check the licenses of the installed dependencies


Install the package globally:

npm install -g dragonnodejs-license


Run the license command in the directory of your application:


It will output something like:

No license.json found
colors@1.1.2 MIT
dragonnodejs-license@2.0.0 MIT
nlf@1.3.2 MIT


Add a "license.json" to the directory of your application:

    "licenses": ["MIT"]

After add the configuration another run should output something like:

All licenses are compatible

Possible configurations:

  • nlf:
    • depth: The depth of the recursive check (default: 0)
    • directory: The directory which will be checked (default: process.cwd())
  • licenses: The list of the allowed licenses (default: [])
  • proprietaries: The list of the allowed proprietary packages (default: [])
  • ignores: The list of the ignored packages which are checked manually (default: [])