
Bundle with services to develop applications with MongoDB - Initialize db service with the MongoDB connection and the toObjectID converter - Bind collections with indexes for the db service

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dragonnodejsMongodb from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dragonnodejs-mongodb';


DragonNode.js MongoDB

Bundle with services to develop applications with MongoDB

  • Initialize db service with the MongoDB connection and the toObjectID converter
  • Bind collections with indexes for the db service


  • Run npm install dragonnodejs-mongodb --save
  • Add the bundle to the "app.js":
let modules = [
    [require('dragonnodejs-mongodb'), [
        ['db', {
            uri: process.env.MONGOLAB_URI || 'mongodb://',
            options: { safe: true }
        ['collections', [
            ['examples', [
                [{ example: 1 }, { unique: true }]