🎉 DragScroll library
Drag Scroll library - smooth content scroll via mouse/touch dragging. Publish standard format Js such as commonJs, ES Modules, UMD, Typescript
Why DragScroll ?
- More comfortable with physical UI, make consistency between different devices
First of all, you need to import this library:
// Javascript tag
<script type="type/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/dragscroll-ts@1.0.2/build/dragscroll.min.js"></script>
// Common Javascript
const DragScroll = require('dragscroll-ts')
// ES6 Module Javascript
import DragScroll from 'dragscroll-ts'
// Typescript
import DragScroll, { IDragScrollOptions } from 'dragscroll-ts'
const options: IDragScrollOptions = {}
interface IDragScrollOptions {
$container: HTMLElement
$content: HTMLElement
axis: string
allowInputFocus?: boolean
allowSelectText?: boolean
Next step, init drag scroll instance
- NOTE: This library only wrap dragscroll logic on available HTML, It doesn't touch to stylesheet 😉
- Need to be specified the HTML structure of $container, $content elements. See picture below
const $container = document.getElementById('demo-wrapper')
const $content = document.getElementById('demo-content')
new DragScroll({
$container: $container,
$content: $content,
axix: 'x',
allowInputFocus: true,
allowSelectText: false,
Config options
Option |
Type |
Description |
$container |
HTMLElement |
The element wrap the dragable element |
$content |
HTMLElement |
The dragable child element of $container. |
axis |
string |
Default is 'x'. There are 3 values: 'x', 'y','xy' |
'x' is horizontal direction |
'y' is vertical direction |
'xy' is both direction |
allowInputFocus |
boolean |
Allow input fields can be focused |
allowSelectText |
boolean |
Allow text content can be selected |
Name |
Description |
scrollTo |
Pass coordinate object { x, y } to scroll to target position |
setInputCanBeFocused |
Default is true. Input fields can be focused |
setTextCanBeSelected |
Default is true. Text content can be selected |
destroy |
Remove all listeners |
The evt parameter is either MouseEvent or TouchEvent
Name |
Description |
dragstart |
To be fired when starting drag |
dragging |
To be fired when dragging |
dragend |
To be fired when dragging content meet end point |
// Example:
const dragSroll = new DragScroll({})
function handler(evt) {}
dragSroll.on('dragstart', handler)
dragSroll.off('dragstart', handler)
Files size
File |
Format |
size |
dragscroll.min.js |
7.6 KB |
dragscroll.cjs.js |
Common Js |
6.96 KB |
dragscroll.es.js |
ES Module |
6.95 KB |
MIT License (c) 2020 XuanVinh