Tiny vanilla JS library that enables drag'n'drop interactions to a user of your website. By implementing this library a user is able to drag'n'drop elements on user-defined drop regions. It works both on desktop (using mouse interface) and mobile devices (using touch interface). It's only ~2.35kB minified and gzipped
See the library in action at the demo page: Dragster.js demo page
How to install?
You can install this library in two different ways:
Clone this repository on Github,
Install using npm (Node.js dependencies manager) with following command:
npm install dragsterjs
Install using bower (frontend dependencies manager) with following command:
bower install dragsterjs
The sample usage
You can start using it preparing following HTML code:
<div class="dragster-region">
<div class="dragster-block"></div>
<div class="dragster-block"></div>
<div class="dragster-block"></div>
Then add following JS code:
var dragster = new window.Dragster({
elementSelector: '.dragster-block',
regionSelector: '.dragster-region'
If you would like to use DragsterJS as ES6 module in the browser:
<script type="module">
import Dragster from './dragster.es6.js';
const dragster = Dragster();
And start having fun with dragging elements on the website.
Replace elements instead of moving them
If you want to replace elements instead of moving them between regions you can initialize Dragster.js library with an option replaceElements: true
var dragster = new window.Dragster({
elementSelector: '.dragster-block',
regionSelector: '.dragster-region',
replaceElements: true
Don't update droppable regions' height
If you don't want to update regions height value when dragging and dropping element on a region you can initialize Dragster.js library with an option updateRegionsHeight: false
var dragster = new window.Dragster({
elementSelector: '.dragster-block',
regionSelector: '.dragster-region',
updateRegionsHeight: false
Update draggable elements on demand
If you have an app where elements are added dynamically, you can update the draggable elements list on demand:
var dragster = new window.Dragster({
elementSelector: '.dragster-block',
regionSelector: '.dragster-region'
Allow cloning blocks from a selected zones
Imagine you have a shopping cart with a list of products. You want to allow dropping multiple items into the shopping cart without removing an item from the list of available shop items.
var dragster = new window.Dragster({
elementSelector: '.dragster-block',
regionSelector: '.dragster-region',
dragOnlyRegionCssClass: 'dragster-region--drag-only',
cloneElements: true
List of properties:
elementSelector (required) - {String}
It is a CSS selector to find all the elements on the page that should be draggable. Default value: '.dragster-block'
regionSelector (required) - {String}
It is a CSS selector to find all the regions where elements can be dragged onto and where all the drag'n'drop functionality works as expected.
Default value: '.dragster-region'
replaceOnDrop - {Boolean}
Indidator stating if dropped element should switch position with drop target.
It takes either true
or false
value. Default value: false
copyOnDrop - {Boolean}
Indicator stating if dropped element should be copied into a new position.
It takes either true
or false
value. Default value: false
updateRegionsHeight - {Boolean}
It is indicator whether regions should update their height according to the number of elements visible in the region.
It takes either true
or false
value. Default value: true
minimumRegionHeight - {Number}
Tell the dragster to not to resize the regions below provided value. Default value: 60
scrollWindowOnDrag - {Boolean}
Tell the dragster to scroll window while dragging an element. Default value: false
dragOnlyRegionCssClass - {String}
The drag-only region CSS class name. Used to identify regions. Default value: 'dragster-region--drag-only'
cloneElements - {Boolean}
The flag stating the elements can be cloned from region to region. Requires dragOnlyRegionCssClass
to be applied in the HTML markup of a page. Default value: false
wrapDraggableElements - {Boolean}
By default all draggable elements are wrapped in a wrapper <div>
, by settings this variable to false
this behavior can be disabled. This can sometimes be useful when using the script in frameworks like Angular or such.
If you put this value to false
, you MUST do the wrapping of the elements yourself.
A wrapper container looks like this <div draggable="true" class="dragster-draggable"> ... </div>
shadowElementUnderMouse - {Boolean}
By default the shadow element is placed on half of its width, by setting this variable to true
the shadow element will stays where user clicks on draggable element.
Properties - callbacks
These properties allow a developer to control the behaviour of dragster.js library using callbacks.
All the callbacks takes one param - the event object, provided by Dragster.js library.
When callback returns false
value then the dragging action is cancelled.
Be careful with these callbacks as it might cause unexpected behaviour of dragged elements.
onBeforeDragStart - {Function}
Before drag start callback. Can prevent from dragging an element.
onAfterDragStart - {Function}
After drag start callback.
onBeforeDragMove - {Function}
Before drag move callback. Can prevent from dropping an element.
onAfterDragMove - {Function}
After drag move callback.
onBeforeDragEnd - {Function}
Before drag end callback. Can prevent from dropping an element.
onAfterDragEnd - {Function}
After drag end callback.
onAfterDragDrop - {Function}
After drop callback.
List of methods ready to be used by any webdeveloper:
Updates a reference to draggable elements. For example, when user adds a new element to any of droppable regions then running update
method makes a new element draggable as well.
Updates regions references and attaches event listeners to them
Removes all event listeners related to DragsterJS