
A simple command line tool to ask german travel discounter ltur for a list of available cheap train tickets on a given day. Very much WIP and expected to break at some point.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import draisine from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/draisine';



A simple command line tool to ask german travel discounter ltur for a list of available cheap train tickets on a given day. Very much WIP and expected to break at some point.

cli usage

npm install -g draisine
draisine -f [station] -t [station] -o [date]

-f, --from  [required]
-t, --to    [required]
-o, --on    [default: "tomorrow"]

api usage

var draisine = require('draisine');
var tomorrow = new Date();
tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);

    from: 'Hamburg Hbf',
    to: 'Berlin Hbf',
    on: tomorrow
}, function (error, results) {
    // do something with the results array

Please note that the keys in the result array's objects are parsed and thus not guarranted to be the same every time.