
Git repository to use react connected with storybook and typescript to create component libraries. This repository is connected with the draqon-ui npm package and can be installed using 'npm install draqon-ui'. install a specific or the latest version using: npm install draqon-ui@latest or use a version number behind the @.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import draqonUi from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/draqon-ui';



Git repository to use react connected with storybook and typescript to create component libraries. This repository is connected with the draqon-ui npm package and can be installed using 'npm install draqon-ui'. install a specific or the latest version using: npm install draqon-ui@latest or use a version number behind the @.

Original repo link: https://gitlab.com/devDraqon/draqon-ui/ Original package link: https://www.npmjs.com/package/draqon-ui/