
Drawer Swipe is a minimalistic swipe detection library for emulating Android drawer swipe gestures.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import drawerSwipe from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/drawer-swipe';


Drawer Swipe

A minimalistic swipe gesture library for emulating Android drawer swipe as closely as possible. Compatible with ES6, RequireJS, or plain JavaScript.

Even works for emulating notification swipes, card swipes, etc.

The library works by defining a touch area element, and letting the user handle the transformations that occur when the element is touched and swiped. The library can be implemented with a variety of CSS frameworks as well as customized components.

Getting Started

Install the library

  • with bower: bower install drawer-swipe
  • with npm: npm install drawer-swipe

Load the library:

  • Browser Global
var swiper = new DrawerSwipeRecognizer('#drawer');
  • AMD
define(['DrawerSwipeRecognizer'] , function (DrawerSwipeRecognizer) {
  var swiper = new DrawerSwipeRecognizer('#drawer');
  • CommonJS
var DrawerSwipeRecognizer = require('DrawerSwipeRecognizer');
var swiper = new DrawerSwipeRecognizer('#drawer');
  • ES2015 Modules (after npm install)
import {DrawerSwipeRecognizer} from 'drawer-swipe-recognizer';
var swiper = new DrawerSwipeRecognizer('#editor');