Dr. Boom: Postgres
Auto-cast errors from pg
into Hapi HTTP Errors.
Example / Boilerplate
Plugin registration boilerplate:
var hapi = require('hapi');
var config = require('./config.json');
var Boom = require('boom');
var server = new hapi.Server();
register: require('drboom')(),
options: {
plugins: [require('drboom-pg')({getNull404: true,
extendConditions: {
'2201W': function (err) {
return Boom.badRequest('Invalid pagination values');
extendCategories: {
'28': function (err) {
return Boom.unauthorized('Invalid credentials');
}, function (err) {
server.log(['startup'], 'Loaded pgboom plugin');
server.start(function (err) {
Now, you can pass your postgres errors right on through to hapi reply!
function someHandler(request, reply) {
pg.query("SELECT id FROM", function (err, results) {
reply(err, results.rows);
getNull404: Boolean. If the handler request method is GET, and postgres doesn't pass a result, throw a 404 Not Found error regardless of there not being a postgres error. Default: False
extendConditions: Object. Keys of postgres error codes, mapped to functions that return Boom objects.
extendCategories: Object. Keys of the first 2 digits of error codes, mapped to functions that return Boom objects.
Default Conditions and Categories
var condition = {
'23505': function (err) {
return Boom.conflict(util.format("Failed relationship constraint: %s", err.constraint));
'42501': function (err) {
return Boom.forbidden(err.toString());
var category = {
'08': function (err) {
return Boom.serverTimeout('Database unavailable');
'53': function (err) {
return Boom.serverTimeout('Database unavailable');
'22': function (err) {
return Boom.badData(err.toString());
'23': function (err) {
return Boom.badData(err.constraint);
I'll gladly accept pull requests!