
DreamFace Application Generator

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dreamfaceGenerator from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dreamface-generator';


DFX Generator

Installation instructions

DreamFace Generator creates all required files to setup a complete cloud application development environment using DreamFace X-Platform

License: DreamFace Open License

Installing DreamFace X-Platform

$ sudo npm install -g dreamface-generator

$ dreamface --init sample

where sample is the directory where your own cloud app platform using dreamface will be installed.

For help do :

$ dreamface --help

Installing the development environment

Before starting the install of the development environment, make sure you have installed MongoDB and it is running (mongod).

$ cd sample

// Start DreamFace Development Edition
[sample]		$ cd dev
[sample/dev]	$ sudo npm install
[sample/dev] $ cd node_modules/dreamface
[sample/dev/node_modules/dreamface]	$ sudo npm install
[sample/dev/node_modules/dreamface]	$ sudo grunt build
[sample/dev/node_modules/dreamface]	$ cd ../..
[sampled/dev] $ node app.js

Log on to the console: http://localhost:3000/console DreamFace will synchronize its repository on MongoDB. The first time you login to the console use sys/admin for login and password. You will be asked to change the password. Change the password and login with the new password. Create a tenant for examples demo. You can leave DreamFace and we can continue the installation.

When you logged in a (hidden) .auth.conf file was created (located into sample/auth). Edit this file and copy the consumer_key and consumer_secret values. Edit the sample/comp/app.js file and set the consumer_key and and consumer_secret of the compiler and save the file. It should look like this after your modification with your own consumer_key and consumer secret_values:

  • consumer_key : 'b7d94f7d89a2',
  • consumer_secret : '0866b51e983ad2ea13aea768'

This will initiate a secure connection between DreamFace and DreamFace Compiler. Now you can install and start the compiler.

Open a console window:

// Start DreamFace Compiler
[sample]		$ cd comp
[sample/comp]   $ sudo npm install
[sample/comp]	$ node app.js

Installing the deployment environment

Open a console window:

$ cd sample/dep
[sample/dep]	$ sudo npm install
[sample/dep]	$ node app.js

At this point, you have successfully installed the DreamFace X-Platform. You are now ready to build, compile and securely deploy your first application.

Continue to the DreamFace Getting Started

Deploy your running environment in a Docker container

When your app is ready to go on production, you can deploy it in a Docker container. DreamFace Generator created a Dockerfile for you to ease the creation of a docker image. To to so, open a console window and do the following:

$ cd sample
[sample] $	docker build -t username/sample .

A new image containing the dfx deployment edition and your deployed application will be created To run the docker image inside a container:

$ docker run -i -t -d username/sample