
Synchronous loader of dojo modules (or other modules that use dojo AMD loader).

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import drequire from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/drequire';



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Synchronous loader of dojo modules (or other modules that use dojo AMD loader). Path to dojo is passed as env variable DOJO_BASE_PATH or as baseUrl param in dojoConfig


Node module, so use:

npm install --save drequire

You need dojo/dojox on your disk somewhere and drequire needs path export DOJO_BASE_PATH to that install


mkdir resources
cd resources
export DOJO_BASE_PATH="$(pwd)" # abs path, folder above dojo
git clone https://github.com/dojo/dojo.git
git clone https://github.com/dojo/dojox.git
# ... any other dojo compatible AMD libs you want to use from node	


var drequire = require("drequire")({
    locale : "en-us",
    baseUrl: "/path/to/dojo/folder"
var locale = drequire("dojo/date/locale");
console.log(locale.format(new Date()));

Passed dojoConfig will be mixed into

    async : false,
    baseUrl : path.resolve(process.env["DOJO_BASE_PATH"], "dojo")

BEWARE: Versions and poluting global scope

  • 1.x - poluted global scope
  • 2.x - does NOT create global define variable (so some UMD modules loaded after using drquire worked)
  • 3.x - back to original simple version, polutes the scope again, 2.x was more trouble then benefit