
This is an NPM wrapper for installing themes you bought on Dresssed.com into a Node / io.js / general javascript project that uses NPM

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dresssedInstaller from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dresssed-installer';


Dresssed.com NPM Theme Installer

This is an NPM wrapper for installing themes you bought on Dresssed.com into a Node / io.js / general javascript project that uses NPM. It will provide the general SASS files to you, but obviously not the Ruby helpers or anything Ruby based.

What does it do?

This installer is going to install your Dresssed theme as a Ruby gem, extract its relevant contents into this installer's module directory and then the rest is up to you. Because Javascript projects could take many forms where the final location of design assets can vary from project to project, it's up to you to copy what you need from node_modules/dresssed-installer to a suitable final location you use.


To install this installer, run this command in your Javascript project with npm and pass in the extra arguments of --dresssed_url=<your source URL> --dresssed_theme_name=<theme name, e.g. gimlet>.

$ npm install dresssed-installer --save-dev --dresssed_url=https://dresssed.com/gems/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/ --dresssed_theme_name=gimlet

It's important that the dresssed_url has the trailing slash. Don't forget it.

If you do not specify these additional arguments, the installer will noop.