The package provides the performance of drizzle in the Drizzle environment.
Creates a window browser shell using the window module.
Getting Started
- install module
npm i --save drizzle-node
- Using
import { Drizzle } from 'drizzle-node' // es6 syntax
var Drizzle = require('drizzle-node') // es5 syntax
const drizzle = new Drizzle(options);
Learn more about using drizzle here.
Current version drizzle - 1.3.3.
If the version you are using is different, you can use the createDrizzleWrapper function.
import { Drizzle as DrizzleVersion } from 'drizzle' // Your module version
import { createDrizzleWrapper } from 'drizzle-node'
const Drizzle = createDrizzleWrapper(DrizzleVersion)
// ...