
Wrapper for native mongodb driver to promisify things

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import droopyMongo from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/droopy-mongo';



Wrapper for native mongodb driver to return promises.

npm install droopy-mongo

// Initialize
var mongo = require("droopy-mongo");
var dao = new mongo.MongoDao(config.mongo.url);
var topics = dao.collection("topics");

// Utilize
topics.find({ category: "Mongo"}).then(function(results) {



  • collection.find(query) -
  • collection.find(query, fields) - fields param limit the fields to return
  • collection.find(query, fields, options) - options let you specify things like sorting and limits
  • collection.findOne(query) - returns a single object
  • collection.checkIfExists(query) - returns true if the query has at least one result
  • collection.insert(item) - item can be either a single object or an array of objects (for a batch insert)
  • collection.update(query, updates) - peforms a merge, only updates properties specified in the updates param.
  • collection.updateOne(query, updates) - performs a merge on the first item that matches the query
  • collection.overwrite(query, item) - overwrites all matching documents with the passed in item
  • collection.remove(query) - deletes all items that match the query
var mongo = require("droopy-mongo");
var dao = new mongo.MongoDao(config.mongo.url);
var topics = dao.collection("topics");

topics.find({title: "test"}).then(function(results){
    console.log("Found %s 'test' matches", results.length);

topics.insert({title:"test"}).then(function(doc) {

topics.findOne({title: "test"}).then(function(result){
    console.log("Looking for one. Found: ");
topics.checkIfExists({title: "test"}).then(function(result){
    console.log("Checking if 'test' exists.  Answer is: %s", result);

topics.overwrite({title: "test"}, {title:"test2"}).then(function(updatedItem){
    console.log("Updated 'test' to 'test2', full overwrite");