
⚡️Zero-dependency minimalistic dropdown component for React and Vue.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import dropdComponent from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/dropd-component';


dropd logo

⚡️Zero-dependency minimalistic dropdown component for React and Vue.

Package version. Make a pull request. First-timers Friendly

✨ Pros:

  • 📦 ~6kb (gzipped, full package)
  • ⚒ CommonJS and ES Modules support
  • ✅ Optimized for Accessibilty
  • 🌈 Easy to customize
  • 🦄 Optimized for performance
  • 💅 More-reliant on CSS over JavaScript

🔧 Installation

To install the full package (for Vue and React) 👇

$ npm install dropd-component --save


See react-dropd and vue-dropd for framework specific installation.

📖 Usage

👀 Examples

⚡️ React Dropd on CodeSandbox ⚡️ Vue Dropd on CodeSandbox

👷 Contributing

Please see Projects for a list of things to do.

  1. Fork this repo and clone on your machine
  2. Navigate to the main folder, dropd
  3. Create a new branch using the format, feature/feature-name
  4. Run yarn install -W to install all of the dependencies in the workspace
  5. Use yarn dev to monitor the changes you make in /packages and concurrently re-build or
  6. Use yarn build to compile packages/vue-dropd/index.vue and packages/react-dropd/index.js (shows bundlesize info too)

🤝 License

MIT © Olaolu Olawuyi